Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Reset Buttons

Sometimes as moms our days get pretty crazy. Most days I come to a point in my day when I have to step back, take a deep breath, and reset. Here are a few ideas on how to do this:

Turn on some music. Music has a powerful ability to influence the mood in a room. If you are starting to feel anxiety and anger, consider tuning in to some up-beat music and dancing around like a fool with your kids. It will diffuse the tension, make your children giggle, and help you to gain a little perspective.

Power down. Sometimes exactly the opposite approach is needed. There are days when the problems are being created by all the noise and distractions of media in the home and we all just need a little break. At these moments, I like to gather my little ones around me and read a story or do something similarly quiet and simple.

Go on a cleaning spree! Often it becomes clear that the issue at hand is spurred on by the disorder of the house. This is when I sum up all of my energy to attack the most needed tasks. Usually it is focused around the tidiness of the main living areas and the dishes in the sink. As I talked about in another blog post, turning chaos into order is a godlike attribute and I believe will always lift your spirits and change the mood in the home.

(More ideas will be added to the list later.)

How do you reset when you find yourself running into difficulty as a mother? Please share your ideas in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. I usually try to do too much during the day (taking care of the boys, cleaning, cooking, bills, cooking something for the week, making homemade cleaners, etc...). So if I start to get too crazy I force myself to step back and let something go.

    Organization is good for my anxiety, so I've started to assign chores to certain days of the week and so I only have to worry about THAT specific chore that day, plus daily things like dishes that Bryan can help with in the evening if I need it.

    If I'm overwhelmed with the messiness of the house, I'll set a timer for 15 minutes and do as much as I can in that time. You'd be surprised how much gets accomplished in 15 minutes of cleaning! After 15 minutes I can stop stressing about all the cleaning that needs to be done.

    Also, I've turned into kind of a hippie. Essential oils is my newest hippie adventure and I recently bought a "Relaxation" potion from Lusa Organics. When I start to feel crazy I put it on specific points and it calms me down. Bryan uses the "Sleeping Potion" every night now to go to bed and he claims he has been sleeping deeper.

    We recently got a piano, so sometimes I'll sit and play a few songs to calm down. The boys are usually good about hanging out with me in the piano room until I'm done.

    Just a few thoughts. :)
