Friday, September 14, 2012

Sing A Song

Does anyone else remember this song?  (Granted, I never saw this particular version... I'm not that old.)  :)

This song came to mind for me today when Big Sis put Lil' Sis on the couch and Lil' Sis promptly fell off.  The bigger of the little ones was sent to time out while the other was taken to have her diaper changed and be put to bed.  In the chaos of that moment, with Lil' Sis still balling and my stress level rising, I thought, How am I supposed to handle this?


Sing.  Sing a song.

I can't find the quote now, but I recall reading somewhere that every child deserves to have a mother who sings around the home, especially hymns and children's songs.  Don't worry about the quality of your voice; your children love it.  They find it soothing and it helps them feel secure.  My mom and dad always sang to us.  It helped me to know that everything was alright.

So I sang to my little ones.  They calmed down, I calmed down, we gave each other loves.  Lil' Sis went to bed and Big Sis is playing in her room.

Everything is going to be okay.  :)

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